Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Book.First draft

We just finished the first draft of the book

PLEASE post this on your wall, tweet about it, call someone, email someone, blog about how much you love boobies and bforacure. Every book sold helps us keep breasts healthy. Here is the link to view and pass on...

Best Regards Peter Bruce Photo

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Etsy and bFORAURE. What one creative walker is doing

Great gift ideas

One of the women who is doing the Komen 3 day walk and helps out with bFORACURE has created a cool way to raise money for her walk. Kathleen has set up a craft store on Etsy.
Here is the link.

Please take a look,pass it on to others and maybe help her out by buying a great hand made gift.
Please note that ALL the money goes to her 3 day walk account.

You may also give direct to her 3 day account just go to

and type in Kathleen Bisaccia

Best Regards
Peter Bruce